ESG and Commitments

We are committed to delivering sustainable shareholder returns. For us this means operating with integrity and growing responsibly. Critical to this is our ESG performance.

Given the nature of our industry, our direct ESG risk exposure is limited. However, we recognise that we are indirectly exposed to ESG risks through the assets in which we invest. As we continue to grow, it will be important that we assess not only the quality of the assets but also our operating partners carefully prior to making investment decisions in order to manage our indirect ESG risk exposure.

In the coming years we will continue to evolve our approach to sustainability that reflects our values. Our focus will be on our material issues and working towards achieving the targets laid out on our sustainability roadmap in order to deliver meaningful results for our business, shareholders and stakeholders. We will continue to report annually on our sustainability progress and performance.

ESG Risk Exposures and Opportunities

Deterra seeks to establish consistent criteria for assessing our ESG risk exposures and opportunities.

Sustainability Roadmap

Our sustainability roadmap outlines our commitment to transparent reporting of our ESG performance and objectives.


    Next Steps

    • Maintain emissions monitoring and net-zero operational GHG footprint

    • Define social investment strategy

    • Continual improvement of our ESG due diligence process, ESG data collection and reporting

    • First UNGC Communication on Progress reporting

    Future State

    • Enhance our ESG disclosures
    • Inform our investment decisions
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